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About This Website and it's Author

Steve Weston

Reiki Master

Guided Meditation Facilitator
Seichim Reiki & Spritual Healer Practitioner

Spiritual Philosopher




I guess your on my site because you found the link on my fb page...or you just stumbled on it, either way welcome and I hope you find something of interest to you.


What's on this site won't be to everyone's taste and I can challenge a lot of established thoughts on the psychic world...

I've seen the best and the worst of the Angels, these experiences have shaped me, my Psychic and my style of Reiki...both Usui, SKM with a touch of healing practice from a Spiritual Church.

I also believe that Reiki has to move on, so I have developed Reik 4 - 'The Next Step'.

It might be  just another bunch of stuff on the internet to some...then again it may help someone that can't find help or at least find a starting point to find some me many years ago.

This is my home page, take a tour around the links when you've finished here and hopefully find something that takes your interest.

Just a short note...I'm not going to argue my points or views with anyone, but will take on board any constructive comments about the site and its content.

You see I have been ridiculed, turned away and had anger sent my way and I'm sure I'm not the only one that has had similar experiences to I have a thick skin and happy to listen to others and explore differing opinions.

And this is what the site is about, it's  here to help those finding a way to sort out what the mainstream psychic world doesn't and won't always accept.

The site may not help everyone, but hopefully for now the information and thoughts here will give a starting point to finding out who and what you are if that's what you need.

The links on my  homepage give an insight into my own experience and thoughts on Reiki, Healing, Angels, Creation, Evolution and a range of other subjects.

It is for you to read and maybe gain something or find it a load of dribble, not my concern either way...accept it or reject it hopefully it was entertaining.

The site is under construction and in its infancy, as I produce content I will add the links.

As always, "time permitting" but in the meantime if you have a query of any sort send me a message through the contact page and I will and get back to you.

Thanks for visiting the site and hope you continue to follow it.

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