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Reiki 4 - The Next Step

Old, New and Beginnings

An Introduction into the new consciousness

Warning: This is not just another attunement or new way to work with energy.


Presented by Steve Weston

Reiki Master, Seichem Reiki Master, Spiritual Healer and



Maybe you have asked yourself about Reiki and its relevance today…I have.

Traveling around Australia and having talked with practitioners of all types and styles over the years I wasn’t alone with this thought.


A common theme become apparent as I spoke to practitioners from traditional, non- traditional, a mix of Reiki or another modality altogether…


”The world is changing and Reiki needs to change with it”.

The other message was “Reiki was a great start but there seems to be more”. I was no different.

The journey I am sharing is from my own questioning and what I have discovered from over twenty years of exploring Reiki and asking myself, “What the hell are we doing here”.



Reiki 4 – The Concepts

The main concept to all parts of Reiki 4 is we should be living our purpose and being ‘Happy and Content’ doing whatever that purpose may be.


Sounds simple but there are many obstacles, blocks and processes that can stop, hinder and delay a ‘Happy and Content’ way of living.


Reiki 4 puts you on a path to knowing yourself spiritually and physically. It processes the conditioning the world has given us and allows us to find out what we are doing in this physical existence.


It looks at what can take away our ‘Happy and Content’ and brings perspective and understanding to make adjustments or sometimes, changes in our lives.


Knowing these aspects can change our world in many ways.


Another concept with Reiki 4 is we all hold the knowledge of everything and Reiki 4 explores this notion by putting ourselves under the microscope and developing a trust in our own unique and collectively shared wisdom.


Reiki 4 does not involve years of study or long meditations sessions. It is a grab bag to open your own knowledge and bring a comfortable way of living without adding to your already busy lifestyle.

There are three parts to the Reiki 4 program, “Old”, “New” and “Beginnings” which we will now explore.


Three elements of Reiki 4 and definitions

Reiki 4 Old – Not much difference to what Reiki already is, and always been, a safe and easy introduction into energy work.

Why mess with something that is good.


Reiki 4 “New” – For anyone wanting to improve their way of life in any way, ie money, relationships, jobs, this is for you.


Reiki 4 “New” is not just for the spiritually inclined it is for anyone that wants to improve aspects of their life. Anyone from factory -workers, office staff, CEO’s of large organizations and of course the spiritually inclined.


Anyone will benefit from this program.


Reiki 4 “Beginnings” – For those that want to know why and what we are doing here; I call this my “Philosophical Sci-Fi Paper”. Soaked with mathematics, physics and metaphysics, I like to think of it as a way of looking at, life, the universe and everything.


Basics of the system – New and Beginnings

For a start we’ll jump into the basics of Reiki 4 which I call “The Next Steps’ (TNS) – “new” and “beginnings”.


We can leave the “Old” for the moment as it’s just your version of the Usui method.


The four foundations

The four foundation exercises and pillars are:

  • Clearing the mind

  • Listening to self

  • Trusting your intuition

  • Taking action


Simply, Reiki 4 is based on the idea that we have all the knowledge to live a “Happy and Content” life by following the path in which you have accepted. These four pillars provide the tools and insights required to have strong foundations in doing this.


Once again this is not just for the spiritually inclined, I have had people from all backgrounds work with me and gain results toward a happy and content life using these four pillars.


These exercises can be done in as little as 20 minutes a day and gives you strong foundations into other work.


Happy and Content – The How’s and Why’s

The basic concept of living a ‘Happy and Content’ life is having the tools to do so, as what’s mentioned above.


This comes with a couple of basic concepts:

  • We have a purpose to being here.

  • We have a reality in which we live.


Our purpose may involve many steps in reaching this goal as our freewill and choices can sometimes hinder the progress.


Think of it this way, deep down we know the purpose of our existence but we find many distractions in every-day life.


This can often cause frustration and in many cases stagnation or being ‘Stuck in a Rut’.


Realities can be varied as governed by, geographical, economic and social circumstances. As we grow this reality may not suit our purpose, for example you’re born with the purpose of helping humanity and to do this you feel you need to become a lawyer. You’re in a poor community but find a way to afford university. You have in many ways changed your reality and as a consequence changed the way you live driven by your purpose.


This is what Reiki 4 “New” looks at and addresses in simple terms.


So let’s get into the concepts a little deeper of the three areas.


Three Parts of Reiki 4.

Reiki 4 is bundled into 3 different areas of thought and study. There is no order to study and no levels to attain except in the “Old” version which has its levels, 1, 2 and 3 as per the Usui method of natural healing.


Study in the “New and Beginnings” areas is up to the individual to pick and choose what information they require. It is trust in your intuition and listening to that little voice.


Once again, the 3 areas are:

  • Reiki 4 Old

  • Reiki 4 New

  • Reiki 4 Beginnings


Let’s start with Reiki 4 “Old”.


Reiki 4 “Old” is just Reiki. It doesn’t matter if you are teaching/practicing traditional Usui or non-traditional Reiki it doesn’t change.


Possibly the only thing that you would change is if you combine some of the techniques we use in Reiki 4 “New”.


Reiki 4 “New”

Happy and Content – the very basic


As the name implies it is a “new” way to look at ourselves and what we are doing here.


The premise is we should be “Happy and Content”, or “Healthy, Wealthy and Wise” in “Mind, Body and Spirit”, while living our purpose.


There is a lot in that statement but it isn’t that daunting when we break it down and Reiki 4 “New” gets into the nitty gritty of this as it brings together the connection and interaction with each of those aspects above.


Moving beyond the conditioning, The Obstacle

This is where “Training or retraining the Mind” begins its journey. The exercises involved look at how our fears and conditioning can stop us moving forward either financially, with our relationships or with any other aspect of living.


It may just help with being happy in the reality you’re already living in.


This does require some work and is being taught in many forms to entrepreneurs and the average person working for others.


Reiki 4 “New” also looks at why life can be shit at times and how we can find an easier more “Happy and Content” way to live…with all the bells and whistles if you want them.


If you’ve always thought you should be living in a mansion, living happily in the suburbs or out in the bush by that silly little voice in the back of your mind nagging you; then maybe you should be doing just that.


SCREECH…hang on, no you can’t do that because I want this and others have an expectation I should be this. But that’s what you’ve been told - not what you should be doing for yourself or another way of thinking about this concept is our “Purpose”.


I also don’t mean you give up all your worldly possessions on a whim because you thought it was what was expected. It is a decision made by taking away the ego, conditioning and what is expected of you in a much more purposeful way.


It is a look at the fears and how the survival mode create our chaos.



We all have a purpose for being here as we chose to be here and do something that will make us “Happy and Content” and be part of a more harmonious collective. A cog in a big wheel, a small part of a healthy eco-system, if a small part of either of these examples are not happy or content it can ripple through the entire process.


Early exercises help us listen to that voice that gives us hints to our purpose and passions, which can be anything.


Sometimes we use small steps to find our bigger picture. Going with the flow but keep moving forward no matter how uncomfortable it can be.


We have CEO’s of large companies that are happy and content and some that are not, we also have people on a spiritual path that are happy and content and some are not.


We should remember that we can’t be happy all the time and Reiki 4 “New” looks at the balance and way we approach and assess different situations.


Maybe those that aren’t happy and content need to look at themselves and find the happy and content in what they are doing or even change direction/move forward if needed.


It’s all about how to listen to ourselves and that what we perceive and what others expect is not always right for us. Reiki 4 helps put us on our own pathway with this concept of looking at our purpose and reality. Remember you don’t need to be stuck in either.


Let’s use an example of two carpenters having done an apprenticeship together. One is in the suburbs happy and content as a small builder with a great family life. While the other saw a need for more housing and became a large company building affordable housing with no family.


They both appear happy and content with life and maybe it was a case that they followed that little voice in their head. This is a very simple example and shows that prosperity is not always dependent on a big bank balance.


Again the premise is you hold the answers and following a simple process of delving into “you”.


You are able to see the blocks and beliefs that hold you back in all aspects of your life and how to get around them.


Our carpenters had the same start and found happy and content in different directions. This is a simple look at purpose and expands further into how we go about living our purpose.


But even if we can identify problems there needs to be action taken and that is where most of us fall down. Reiki 4 “New” addresses this and support is offered in this journey.


There are meditations and retraining the mind exercises that help us to look differently at our relationships with ourselves, money and others. This is combined with exercises that help us take the actions required to move forward, which are sometimes tough and uncomfortable.


All the steps are laid out and if followed personal goals and a ‘Happy and Content’ will be achieved.


Not all things can be achieved on our own or with the work you do. Professional counselling can help move blocks on a much deeper level. Once again your own intuition will guide you to find avenues when required.


You may even find groups that are on the same sort of pathway that can offer support, encouragement and fresh ideas.


There is a lot on offer and when you start moving forward these supports tend to fall into your lap. Recognising the opportunities is another aspect that Reiki 4 delves into and helps lift the fog that can engulf us and miss those opportunities.


Realities are easy to understand, we are born into a geographical, social, economic or even a combination of these. Within these realities our subconscious reality is programmed by our education, religion, political and social expectations.


We all live in a reality and is governed by how we are subconsciously programmed. An example is our entrepreneur who lives in a world not governed by money or a boss.


His boss is his business and he listens to it. There is a lot to this concept but I use this simple example. Most of us work for someone or even an idea of how you run your own business by what others do. This is the biggest difference in realities and how we move forward.


Another reality I often use is that of the seventies popular bands. Playing in pubs and small venues they had no target of being rich, they just wanted to play music. Because they were good and the mix of artistry was right they did become rich and most didn’t even realise this fact. The music and creativity was their boss.


Our reality can determine but not define our purpose.


Let’s now move onto the last aspect of Reiki 4, ‘Beginnings’.


Reiki 4 “Beginnings” uses the premise that we all have pure and complete knowledge of everything. It looks at the creation of the spiritual world and the processes that led to the physical world.


It also looks at the realities of this physical world and the not so physical world, plus how our origins can offer us some piece of mind.


As Doulas Adams titled one of his books in his trilogy it’s about “Life, the Universe and Everything”. And deep inside you, you already have this knowledge.


I even like to call this my science fiction story of why we are here.


Reiki 4 “Beginnings”, helps open up your own understanding and interpretation of “Life, the Universe and Everything”.



This process described is actually quite boring because of the mathematics involved. It does explain a lot of the basics that are visible in our world today using bigger concepts from physics, mathematics and science.


So we use concepts more than the mathematics and up to yourself to delve into the maths and physics if you want…it all can be googled.


You need to note that Reiki 4 “Beginnings” does not tell you how to interpret or decipher what is presented as we all have different ways of understanding within our own realities.


Reiki 4 “Beginnings” is a tool for your own remembering and building your own story.


It covers creation using conceptual thoughts that Quantum Physics/Mechanics, Wave Theory and a bunch of Mathematical concepts explain in depth…told you it was boring.


The boring is hopefully taken away by a more mystical and sci-fi approach of telling the story. I would go to sleep if I had to read the nitty gritty.


Having covered creation in a spiritual way Reiki 4 Beginnings looks at what happened in this spiritual world to why we have this physical world.


Again Quantum Physics/Mechanics, Wave Theory and a bunch of Mathematical concepts explain this process in depth and is probably where physicists have come to what is known as the God particle which then started their journey into the non-physical world.


Yep, it’s the big explanation of everything and the premise is you already know it, all you need is a shove in the right direction with the right tools and you will work it out for yourself, with the idea that this will help with your own happy and content.


One thing about having this knowledge is the knowledge is always available when it is required and that is the key. Let your intuition guide you once again and try not to get caught up in having to be a great Tarot reader, medium or healer. You just need to be you.


Rather than trying to impress everyone with party tricks (which is nice and brushes the ego) let yourself be what you were meant to be and be happy in all that it offers.


And don’t think you will be on your own. There will be others with the same thoughts and learning that will find you, or you will find them.


We all have a place to belong and our origins are where we find that.


Creation and the development of the physical world explain this and why we have Angels, Galactics, Gods, Myths and Legends.


We can all find our origins amongst this and is not as important as most think it is as everything in its simplest whole form is nothing more than…I’m going to ask for a leap of faith here.


Nothing more than white light, and if you pass white light through a prism you get a rainbow. In that rainbow are many hues that flow from one basic colour/frequency to the next.


The origins could simply be your very own base frequency which you grew from.


Beginnings will explore this process and yes with the boring mathematics and science for all those that like that stuff.


Beginnings is a kind of a “Piece of Mind” thing that if you need to explore something in a little more detail for yourself, then you can find the answers within yourself and will have others on the same journey that can help.


It’s a big subject and most of us will have others of the same origins around that have the same questions…think of them as soul group’s maybe. These are the people that you can relate this knowledge with as it is the way you decipher and interpret it.

 Examples Reiki 4 uses

To keep this simple we use simple examples to explain complex concepts, easy to understand and offers your own insight.


Take for example a rainbow, basically is white light, put it through a prism and you have different colours, what a great way of explaining that we are individual but part of one.


The Incarnation Process


The incarnation process gives good insight into the 5 dimensions we live in and how the first 5 dimensions are really what we are working with. The incarnation process gives insight into purpose, reality, individuality and ourselves using the steps from accepting a physical life and all the bundles we pick up getting to gestation and finally birth.


An understanding of this process answers many of our questions in our own way.


These are the tip of the iceberg with what Reiki 4 will open up for you and is part of the new consciousness and as you understand more about yourself this notion of ‘Happy and Content’ will become more apparent in the way you choose to live your own life.


None of this is groundbreaking or new, it is my way of deciphering the new consciousness in my own way and offering it to others to determine if it suits them or not.


We all have our own thoughts and beliefs and this is not here to change any but maybe give a word, sentence or phrase that helps you on your own journey.


Maybe it doesn’t and everyone is different, but my own little voice says this is my path to Happy & Content so I thought I’d share it.

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