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Angels - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Not everyone wants to accept this...but its what I've experienced

I'm just going to start with my own perception of Angels, I see 2 distinct groups...

  • Angels of Creation

  • Angels of Evolution


I will get into the subject of Creation and Evolution on other I see it and how it relates to this.


But for the time take a leap of faith with me and  let's start with these two categories.​

Angels of Creation

These I see as Angels of pure light, they created (for want of a better description) the garden of Eden.


This garden of Eden contained everything we have in this physical world but in its purest form.

I won't go into much more detail at the moment but will explain them and their function on the Creation link.

Angels of Evolution

These are the angels we are more familiar with and the ones I relate to as the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

The Good - All of the white angels that are of purest of love.

The Bad - All of the black angels that are of the purest of hate.

The Ugly - All of the angels we have created from our own thoughts.

Pretty straightforward now let's look at each of these angels.

The Good

Positive angels of the watchtowers, these angels were created to oversee evolution, they have all knowledge of:

  • Science

  • Minerals

  • Medicine

  • Secrets of Man

and they exist in within the 4 directions.

The Bad

Negative angels of the watchtowers, these bring a balance to the towers for every positive there is a negative and when added together the watchtowers appear to be nothing as mathematically a +ve and a -ve added together = zero.

They also have all knowledge of Science, Minerals. Medicine and the Secrets of Man.

I guess a lot of questions and arguments here but let's push on.

The Ugly

These are our convenience angels, angels we have manufactured through myths, folklore and ego.

They can be the parking angels, the angel that watches the house or children, I'll let you think of the rest.

They can be naughty or nice, above are examples of the nicer ones, the not so nice ones can appear as demons.

Others are the poltergeists or earthbound spirits that have gained a bit of insight from men and women practising dark and black arts...what they learn through this can make them rather bothersome and at times menacing.

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