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Life the Universe and Everything

According to The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and in reference to

Life, the Universe and Everything


Deep Thought once said:

“If you can’t understand the question, how can you understand the answer?”



So what’s this all about?


Let’s begin with the basics


  • What’s happening

  • What’s needed

  • Tools required





Just a note before we get stuck into this...this is written with an understanding that you the reader has a spritual background of any type.

Concepts are used to gather an understanding of the subject with any mathematics, classical or quantum mechanics/physics used to expand and clarify these concepts.

It's a nice journey and I hope you enjoy it.


What’s Happening


I’ll just get into it, spiritual people, religious people and moviemakers all have this thought of the end of the world and have a version of it.


  • Religions such as Scientology have everyone leaving on a spaceship

  • Orthodox religions have the good going to heaven

  • Spiritual practices (not all) see some evolving to a new dimension

  • Moviemakers have a select few surviving some type of extinction event


The list seems endless as you plow through history and ancient cultures.


Although different in the ideas and thoughts there tends to be a common sort of thread.


Deep down everyone thinks that the earth in some form or another will come to an end and a chosen few will escape to a utopian world leaving the rest to whatever is left.


Let’s look at the Moviemakers point of view, Mother Nature really spits the dummy, films like 2012, The Day After Tomorrow and San Andreas give an entertaining look into this…few survive world destroyed.


If we look at the physical world, climate changes and a range of other forces there seems to be some merit in an angry Mother Nature.


A world destroyed and a new social order needed, then again would anything survive if she really spat it?


A question for the dinosaurs I guess.


Now to all religious or cult ideas, maybe it’s a spaceship and a utopian planet, maybe Jesus returns and the select few go to heaven leaving the world a dank place full of sinners and unbelievers.


Quite similar to the moviemakers train of thought and once again the world left with everyone going to their utopian existence.


Now to us lot…the spiritual, most feel we evolve spiritually in some form or another depending of the flavor of thought.


With this there seems to be many outcomes and changes to our existence and this world…


I don’t have to tell you what’s happening to the planet it’s easy to see, but what of us and what does it mean.


Mankind destroying the planet, Scientologists getting ready to jump a spaceship, religions awaiting the four horsemen of the apocalypse and a saviour to arrive…


And of course the spiritual people all heading to another dimension or whatever they have been following.


Makes my head spin

Is it as simple as moving our way of thinking and pysical exiatance into what is described as "The New Consiousness".


What’s Needed


I personally see a lot of confusion as to the spiritual changes and to the world itself…and I could safely say I’m not the only one. This "New Consciousness seems" to bring a lot of disorder and upheavel with it.

Out of this confusion, disorder and upheavel maybe it's very simple but changing our belief systems and programming is the problem.


Maybe these changes are asking us to gain an understanding of what we are doing here.


Quite simply understand the meaning of life.


And by reading this I believe you are ready to explore the concept presented and help bring forward your own understanding Life the Universe and Everything..


You will need a few tools for this...quite simply the knowledge of creation and evolution which we all have buried deep inside us.


It has been hard in the past to relay this knowledge and information as it has mostly been channeled leaving room for interpretation, ego and the inability for spirit to impart in a way that can be understood concisely.

So the days of relying on this information to be imparted in some way by someone is gone. We all have the knowledge required and it is merly trusting in our own intuition.

What I am offering are the tools to help you find your own answers and find others like you to share experiences and knowledge. Without the ego of course.


Is this for everybody?


Yes, although some feathers may get ruffled and a lot will debunk….


It’s not my intention to convince anyone what is presented here it's simply a fresh look at everything.


I know the opposition to my thoughts and knowledge already, I have been mocked turned away and thrown out of places for my thoughts on spirituality.


How does this work…

This isn't just another lot of blah blah blah, there are meditations and a bit of work for those that wish to pursue on a deeper level, but first of.

By reading what is presented below and by understanding creation and evolution, in your own way you are on your way to understanding your own origins and how to be happy and content in this reality.

You may not have to be a millionaire to achieve this either.



Stuff to look at



  • Origins

  • Purpose

  • Watchtowers and functions

  • Incarnation & Gestation

  • First five dimensions

  • New way of thinking




  • Purpose of physical & our Reality

  • Individuality

  • Collective Conscience

  • Psychic development



A lot of this you already know and we may go back to basics but our foundations will be strengthened by doing this.


You will at times find topics and thoughts which do not sit well with your own self or beliefs, you don’t have to change yourself or your beliefs, it’s not necessary, as long as you have the understanding you will sort it out for yourself.


So where do we begin?



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