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Psychic Attack

My story briefly

From an early age I copped a fair bit of unwanted attention from some pretty unpleasant energies.

I could sense 3 very strong energies and others that didn't have the strength these 3 did.

I won't go into detail about the attacks I suffered but I guess if your reading this you would know the bruises, scratches, welts and other physical signs that show up.

Mentally was another with a constant fear and worry for yourself and the people around you nearly drove me over the edge, yes my partner copped a bit of attention as well.

It wasn't until I was around 18 that I found help and was given some tools that helped me sort a few things out.

My problems I found came from being a natural open channel, I was open and visible to all and anything causing a lot of confusion.


After years of torment I ended up at a place right out of my comfort zone and found help I needed.

Quite a lady, from our first meeting she seemed to know me and how to get me safe.

I spent around 18 months of psychic development learning about myself and how to control what was around me.

Finding the source

I didn't know much about the psychic world and the people around it, I think the only thing I did know was people that told fortunes...that was my knowledge prior to the development classes.

I was brought up in the church so being psychic or psychic stuff wasn't talked about although all of our family had experiences and awareness of it.

So I got the attacks under control and from the development and was starting to recognise different energies.

I knew there were angels from religion and development classes and now I had an idea there were also other energies, some known as earthbound.

Now I always had thought angels were good and looked after us, it took some time to come to terms that not all angels were white and fluffy...some were black and did not like me.

I developed a good relationship with Mikiel, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphiel and through them I was able to gain a better understanding of myself and the rocky start to life I had gone through.

My channels had closed down, I was safe as I could sense unwanted energies around me and keep them at bay so I went about living peacefully for 20 years I guess.

Recognising the weakness

Most of my attacks occurred during the time I was drifting off to sleep or the moments before waking.


I realised that when my spirit left my body and returned starting and finishing the sleep process, I was exposed between the two worlds and very weak.

It was this time in what I came to know as the Ayers that I was vulnerable and suffered first answer.

Cut out travelling through the Ayers...I shut my eyes, go to my spiritual sleep place and miss travel through the Ayers...same on the way back.

It took intent and a little bit of practice...I still do this today,

I guess the other way of looking at it is the moments you are waking or drifting off and have that dream state feeling I was in the Ayers.


That was my danger spot and now I miss the Ayers or quickly recognise it and move through them.

Angels and Earthbounds

I give these the title of the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.


White/positive angels of the Watchtowers (angels of evolution), pure white/positive light angels (angels of creation)


Black/negative angels of the Watchtowers (angels of evolution), pure black/negative light angels (angels of creation)

Notice the positive and negative attached to the black and white, this is a mathematical function and not an emotional drive.

Ugly and Earthbounds

These I see as the angels, demons and nasty energies that have been created by myth and folklore, they can access the watchtowers via men and women who practice black and other dark arts.

The earthbounds are your poltergeists and pick up hints and tips being around rituals and ceremonies by people performing the black and dark arts...they can become quite menacing.

How does this help you

My best advice would be to follow your gut if you have no experience in or around the psychic world, you will be drawn to the help you need.

If you are in development but not quite getting the answers you need, maybe this can help

  • Learn your own psychic strengths and weakness.

  • Get a good relationship with your guides, angels and guardians, they probably won't always help but are full of great information.

  • Avoid using the Ayers to come and go during sleep or daydreaming (meditate instead).

  • Develop your senses to recognise the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

These are just a starting point, you will find your own way to deal with the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

I had to find and develop my own techniques as I found out more about myself.


We are all different, the only constant is the Good, the Bad and the Ugly, understand these and yourself and you will find your peace and some nice surprises.

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