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Reiki - Various Styles

Reiki and Me


Let's quickly look at my training and background in Japanese Reiki and the other systems I have studied and practice first.


I was trained in the more non-traditional way, although the course maintained the foundations of the Usui Methods…it covered a lot more and this carries on in my courses.


I attained Reiki Master in 2001.

I have been attuned also to Necter Seichim Reiki and studied healing at a spiritual church. 

This learning and my own spiritual background has given me a lot of tools and experience in not just Reiki but things that go bump and aren’t so pleasant.

I feel my clients receive everything that they require at that time.

Reiki to the Average Person

Not everyone wants to go to someone calling themselves a “spiritual healer” and why should people uncomfortable with spiritual stuff miss out on any benefit Reiki may give.

Given this…my theory on Relaxation Reiki and why I advertise as Relaxation Reiki gives a more comfortable avenue for the general public.

I’ll get to the spiritual side further down but for now let’s look at the very basics and how I explain to the non-spiritual person what happens.


Sleep Our Way to Health and Happiness


Our own natural ability to find clarity and in different circumstances physically heal ourselves seems to happen after we rest and have enough sleep.

Our own doctors will often tell us to take a few days off, get some rest and sleep and prescribe medications when necessary. Often critically ill people are put into induced coma’s to help the healing process.

I’m not a doctor or an expert on the subject but it stands that a coma is a medically induced deep sleep to help the healing process.

Our own sleep could be seen as the same although less dramatic but still allowing the body and mind to recover from the days physical and mental challenges.

How good do you feel after a good night’s sleep?

But to get to enjoy that good night’s sleep you need to relax, slow the mind and get comfortable…once asleep you can hopefully repair yourself from all those days challenges.

And that’s Relaxation Reiki in a nutshell…I claim nothing else other than to help you achieve a deep state of relaxation within a session.

If you gain insights into troubles, challenges or health issues that’s great.

And that’s about it.

My only claim is to guarantee that my client will leave totally relaxed…and what’s wrong with that.

Spiritual Reiki

The other side of Relaxation Reiki is the spiritual side of me and my own psychic.

My back ground and upbringing in the spiritual world is probably not as orthodox as others, what I can see and have had to work out does not sit too well with the mainstream psychic world and have often been ridiculed, brushed to one side and turned away.


That’s been a good learning curve for me as well…through all of this my Reiki can go much deeper than most as I will work with all and any energy as long as it is for the highest good of the client.


If something arrives that does not fit that criteria my background has the tools to ensure the session is not disturbed in the moment or later.


My sessions are governed by the guides, guardians, angels and energies for the highest good to provide what is needed and that moment…it’s not up to me what happens and I can’t comply with special requests from clients.

I’m just the channel.

Reiki as I Hope to See It Evolve

I would love to see Reiki centers all over the place operating on gold coin donations and having free sessions for patients and families referred by the medical profession.

I would like to see a Reiki practitioner in every house and home.

Of course Reiki 4 is the next step in the Reiki journey and courses are available in the 3 aspects.

Why Do I Charge For Reiki


Very simple…Gotta pay the bills.

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