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Our Spiritual Self


We could probably start at many points and all would be appropriate, but let’s start with ourselves as we can find a lot of answers within an understanding of ourselves.


The Vessel


What makes us…us


Not much different to a lot of thoughts with the physical presence made up of the body and the spirit…


Let’s go a step further and shows the physical and the spirit added together equalling nothing.


We’ll call this the vessel.

So we have a vessel we all relate to…body and spirit.

So what makes us…us




So let’s continue on and use the analogy of the vessel and attached is our individuality making us, us.

Our individuality can be seen as a collection or package of the emotions and memories from past lives, this package is then able to jump aboard the vessel for a lifetime.

We’ll delve into the vessel and why you picked this vessel or if this vessel picked you a bit later but for now let’s continue with individuality.

Some mathematics will be needed to help understand what and how these emotions work, don’t be alarmed it’s not overly complex.

Let’s now see our individuality as the harmonics created by our emotions and memories of past lives.

Ok, so now we are also going to be introducing terms that may or may not be familiar as well.

Some terms we are familiar with are waves and vibrations; pretty much everything is made up of a waveform in some form or another.

Science and physics tell us this.

A great example is sound as sound can cause vibrations…our senses also translate waveforms through sights, sounds, smells, touch and taste which can all influence us and our emotions.

Let’s use the concept of the vessel as being made up of an organized collection of waveforms physical and spirit added together equalling nothing.

The senses then causing a node to create the harmonics.

Ok, what’s a harmonic, a waveform and a vibration, how can we put this into some understandable form, without going into the mathematics and physics to deeply.

Let’s get a basic understanding of waveform, harmonics and vibration.

Wave Propagation

This is a huge subject and a bunch of boring mathematics if you’re not into mathematics let’s break it down to what we need.

If you want to do the calculations the website below can help as it will describe a few of the terms we are using.

Below are some terms we use related to their mathematical name and related to our spiritual knowledge

  • Fundamental Wave = God

  • Standing Wave = Folded Note

  • Harmonic = Our Emotions and Memories

  • Beats and Interference = Imbalance or Seven Sins (just as an example)

We will use sound as our guide to wave propagation as it is quite easy to grasp a lot of the ideas and concepts as opposed to some of the other forms.

Remember everything is made up of some sort of waveform, light, electricity, tides anything in our natural world in some way begins as a waveform.

My own interpretation like many others see creation as waveforms.

We can also consider a waveform as a vibration, think of a guitar string when plucked it vibrates at a particular frequency/note which vibrates the air creating a waveform which vibrates our eardrum.

Light does the same, so does electricity and the moon with tides and sea’s.

Very simplistic but that’s how science gives us an insight to how the world works.

The website below goes into a bit more detail and is a good one to skim through to give yourself an understanding of Fundamental Waves, Standing Waves and Harmonics.

Don’t get too caught up in it; just grab the basics for the moment.

Here Comes the Imbalance

So with this our first leap of faith.

Let’s say creation/Garden of Eden had everything in balance, fundamentals and harmonics had all standing waves that gave a balance.

Now our naughty angels decided that using their knowledge they could produce beat rates from the harmonics that had no standing waves, they had some fun and as we saw it did.

Ok, interference and beats, some new terms we’ll use this as our example of producing an imbalance.

The site below gives a pretty good description of how an added note can be formed, simplistically let’s just say the naughty angels could squeeze one side of a wave and produce a beat wave forming a new wave/note that has no standing wave that is difficult to cancel.

Theoretically the vessel is in balance and everything is all good until we add the individuality to the vessel and now an imbalance can occur with the beat or interference and mathematically, this, can be represented as a number.

A very basic and simplistic look at individuality and how an imbalance can be generated; let’s use this as our starting concept.

With this in mind and very simplistic…can we relate this to

  • Souls mates (does our individuality overlap or is t something else)

  • Birth and Death

  • Healing

  • Extinction (do animals hold some our mathematical +ve and –ve )

  • Deforestation and Mining (as above)

Can healing be part of a process of getting rid of the beats that cause the imbalance?

Could it be similar to tuning a guitar with a tuning fork and nulling the beat frequency?

We have looked at the basics of us…and simplistically we really just need to see us as

  • A vessel

  • Individuality

  • Beats

With this we have a simple starting point and can now look at ourselves and begin to see where and how we all fit into this world and this universe.

This is a beginning into our journey, I hope you enjoy waht is to come.

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