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Things that go bump in the night

        So the Lords Prayer and Sending it to the Light didn't work
Now What ??

When you are faced with things that go bump at anytime...and it won't go away.


When nobody seems to want to help...Who you gunna call - Ghostbusters!!!

Just kidding. but the reality is my experience of the other-side from an early age was not usually pleasant, at times it was terrifying and as I got older and the psychic attacks got worse, I looked for help in many places and there was none.

It wasn't until things had gotten so bad and as a last ditch effort to find some peace I drove to Melbourne once again to find some answers.


Late afternoon the car stopped out front of a place right  in the CBD, the car would not start...


For the first time I was listened to and found some-one who could help.

I found out what went bump in the night, I found out about myself and over the years I have fought with what went bump in the night, I worked with them, argued on different levels with them, I found guidance and peace amongst the turmoil, I found out who and what tormented me and I learned many things.

My answers were surprising and sometimes not well received by the psychic community.

           I live with angels around me and they are the Good, the Bad and the Ugly. 

It wasn't just Angels that hung around, earthbound spirits, elementals and all sorts of stuff I learnt later caused not only me but members of the family also.

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